Sunday, June 24, 2012

Changes to My Blog

Hello lovelies, I hope everyone is having a great day today!
This will be a short post that is basically about me making changes to my blog.
I've been thinking about this for a few weeks and I've decided I'm going to do some changes with my background and banner, I feel things are a bit too dark as they are now.
If you go to my page and see things are all weird, please bare with me as it will probably take me some time to get everything the way I want it. I have saved my template I have now though, just in case things don't go the way I plan.
Also, for those of you who don't follow me on Instagram:
I got the "Out The Door Top Coat"!
I'm going to share more about that in my next post.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Ooh can't wait to see the changes! I know they will be great! :D
    I also can't wait to see your post about the Out The Door topcoat! I'm going to try it after I finish the one I have :)

    1. I think I'm almost done now.. might add some different things here and there but I'm really enjoying not having it so dark.
      I'll make sure I do it as soon as I can! (:

  2. Oh I hope you love it as much as I do!

    1. Thanks! So far I like it, it isn't as thick and sticky as my last top coat so it doesn't ruin my polish if I apply it too soon.

  3. Thank you! I am, actually. (Which is kind of funny because my boyfriend is a coder and I just sat here and frustrated myself instead of asking..xD)
    Trying to figure things out myself and I've learned a lot of new things.
    I'd love to help any way I can if you need it! (:


Thank you to each and every one of you who follow my blog. Whether you're a one time visitor or a daily reader, I appreciate the time you spend. I love every single supportive comment that I receive from all of you, it never goes unnoticed. ♥